Monday, October 22, 2012

Science journalists ask Harper to stop muzzling research and free expression | The Vancouver Observer

Science journalists ask Harper to stop muzzling research and free expression | The Vancouver Observer: ""Over the past four years, journalists and scientists alike have exposed the disturbing practices of the Canadian government in denying journalists timely access to government scientists. Open letters to your government from concerned journalists have been followed by editorials and public lectures calling for improved access. Still, cases of government muzzling of publicly funded scientists continue," the letter reads."

'via Blog this'

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yes, Virginia, Human Emissions Do Cause Climate Change [video] « Father Theo's Blog

Yes, Virginia, Human Emissions Do Cause Climate Change [video] « Father Theo's Blog: "Here’s why they call it anthropogenic climate change.  The clever folks over at the US National Academy of Sciences explain in chapter 4 how we know that climate change is human caused.
The blaming part?  Our children will do that, if we don’t do something quick about our bad habits."

'via Blog this'

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is Earth Warming? [video] « Father Theo's Blog

Is Earth Warming? [video] « Father Theo's Blog: "I know Earth is warming.  You know Earth is warming.  It’s obvious that Earth is warming.
But if you need to watch a video that proves that Earth is warming, then Father Theo will present an authoritative video for you.  The US Academy of Sciences put it together.  "