It’s already been calculated that the money they save from
stopping free riders will never recoup the cost of building the
turnstiles. So the government is spending our money in order to, um, lose
Free riders bother some people’s minds so much that spending
useless money fighting it appears logical to them.
Honestly, it has never been the free riders on the buses
that bother me; it’s the free riders in the cars. We all pay taxes to
build the roads, just like we all pay taxes to build the transit system.
But cars ride free while pedestrians have to pay.
The real free riders.
If we are going to have free riders, honestly, I’d rather it
be pedestrians. They are not sending 11 tons of pollution into the
atmosphere every year like your average commuter car.
Which the owners also insist on dumping for free.
Why should I pay to pollute? the free riders ask.
Well, because there are real costs sending carbon dioxide
into the biosphere, actually, that somebody eventually is going to have to
pay. And logically it should be those who incurred those costs.
What kinds of costs? Well, the Insurance Bureau of
Canada, not your usual bunch of eco-radicals, financed a study into the affects
of climate change on wildfires in British Columbia .
The study found that over the next forty years, the number of wildfires may
increase more than 50%. British Columbia
is already suffering an increased burn because of earlier springs and hotter
weather brought on by climate change, averaging 2000 fires a year from 2000 to
An extra 1000 fires a year in British
Columbia on top of our already disastrous 2000 is an
extra cost, a major one, but only one among many, that future generations will
have to pay..
That’s why, as far as I’m concerned, pedestrians should ride
free. Pedestrians aren’t messing with my grandchildren’s (or children’s)
Cars are.
But I’m not saying put tolls on the streets. Equality
is fine for now. I just say, if cars ride free, then pedestrians should
With free transit, people
will get out of their cars anyway without anybody forcing or inconveniencing
We’ll all win from that.
And it will really put a dent in the free rider
problem. The free riders on the streets and highways, that is.
Reposted from Father Theo’s Blog The
Free Rider Problem
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